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Tipo: Tese de Doutorado
Título: Revenue optimization and customer targeting in daily-deals sites
Autor(es): Anisio Mendes Lacerda
primer Tutor: Nivio Ziviani
primer Co-tutor: Adriano Alonso Veloso
primer miembro del tribunal : Berthier Ribeiro de Araujo Neto
Segundo miembro del tribunal: Leandro Balby Marinho
Tercer miembro del tribunal: Ricardo Baeza-yates
Cuarto miembro del tribunal: Wagner Meira Junior
Resumen: Daily-deals sites (DDSs), such as Groupon and Peixe Urbano, attract millions of customers in the hunt for offers at significantly reduced prices. The challenge of DDSs is to find the best match between deals and customers while generating as much revenue as possible. One important objective of a DDS is to improve the aggregated value customers give to emails, which should not be seen as spam. This thesis solves three different problems in order to guarantee revenue maximization and customer satisfaction. First, a method for predicting the number of coupons a deal is going to sell is proposed. Second, we present an email prioritization approach. Third, we introduce a new strategy for deals recommendation via email. All three methods improved the results of state-of-the-art algorithms for the tasks being addressed, with gains in precision varying from 7% to 21%, while reducing the number of emails sent in 40% without affecting the number of customers clicking the deals in emails.
Abstract: Daily-deals sites (DDSs), such as Groupon and Peixe Urbano, attract millions of customers in the hunt for offers at significantly reduced prices. The challenge of DDSs is to find the best match between deals and customers while generating as much revenue as possible. One important objective of a DDS is to improve the aggregated value customers give to emails, which should not be seen as spam. This thesis solves three different problems in order to guarantee revenue maximization and customer satisfaction. First, a method for predicting the number of coupons a deal is going to sell is proposed. Second, we present an email prioritization approach. Third, we introduce a new strategy for deals recommendation via email. All three methods improved the results of state-of-the-art algorithms for the tasks being addressed, with gains in precision varying from 7% to 21%, while reducing the number of emails sent in 40% without affecting the number of customers clicking the deals in emails.
Asunto: Sistema de recomendação
Sistemas de recuperação de informação
Idioma: Português
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Institución: UFMG
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Fecha del documento: 20-dic-2013
Aparece en las colecciones:Teses de Doutorado

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