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dc.contributor.advisor1Helio Teixeirapt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1Nilton Alves de Rezendept_BR
dc.creatorJoao Milton Martins Oliveira Penidopt_BR
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Hepatitis C is a worldwide public health problem. Patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) in hemodialysis (HD) programs comprise a risk group for acquisition of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. HCV seroprevalence in patients on HD has fallen in recent years as a result of public health policies adopted in developed and developing countries.However, prevalence in this group still remains higher than in the general population. The seroprevalence of HCV in patients on HD varies according to the serological screening test used, and geographical variations in seroprevalence have been detected in countries of theAmericas, Europe and Asia. The main risk factors for patients on HD acquiring HCV are: previous history and number of blood transfusions, duration of CRF and time on HD and seroprevalence of HCV in the HD healthcare unit. The risk of HCV transmission by transfusion of blood derivatives in patients on HD fell dramatically in various countries, as aresult of the introduction of screening tests in blood banks and HD units and the administration of erythropoietin for the treatment of anemia. The majority of publications have emphasized nosocomial transmission of HCV in HD units. Various factors may affect the risk of nosocomial HCV transmission to patients on HD, including: sharing items amongpatients, physical proximity to an infected patient, contamination of HD equipment, rupture of dialyzer membranes and inappropriate reuse of dialyzers. Violation of universal measures for the control and prevention of infections has been shown to be one of the main causes of nosocomial transmission. The seroprevalence of HCV in health professionals is three-fold that of workers in other professions. Seroprevalence ranging from 0-10% has been reported among staff working in HD units.Objectives: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the seroprevalence of HCV in patients submitted to HD; to correlate this seroprevalence with the time of treatment on HD; to investigate the anti-HCV seropositivity in health professionals, the date of theirseroconversion and duration of their employment in HD units; to investigate the existence of a correlation between mean HCV seroprevalence and the municipal and regional human development index (HDI); and to describe the demographic data, structure and level oforganization of the healthcare units. Methods: In this study, patients from 66 healthcare units in 13 geographical regions of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais were studied using a validated questionnaire and considering the positive values of anti-HCV (Elisa III) tests, performed in these units between January and December 2003. Results: The majority of patients were male (56.2%), between 41 and 60 years old. The maincauses of CRF were arterial hypertension (30%), chronic glomerulonephritis (24%) and diabetic nephropathy (20%). The mean seroprevalence of HCV in the 66 healthcare units of the state of Minas Gerais was 13 ± 9.5% and the three-monthly seroprevalence was below20%, 15% and 10% in 75%, 50% and 40% of the healthcare units, respectively. When the healthcare units were grouped according to HCV seroprevalence into low (< 5%), medium (5- 15%) and high seroprevalence (> 15%), 20% of the units were found to have lowseroprevalence, 42% medium and 37.5% were found to have high seroprevalence. No correlation was found between municipal HDI and HCV seroprevalence (r=0.059; p=0.70), or between regional HDI and mean HCV seroprevalence (r=0.42; p=0.174). However, in theregions in which the HDI was higher, HCV seroprevalence was also higher. Mean monthly HCV seroprevalence in the 12 healthcare units in the city of Belo Horizonte was 12%, being the minimum annual mean 3.0% and the maximum 22.4%. There was a positive correlationbetween HCV seroprevalence and time on HD, in patients on HD in Belo Horizonte (p<0.05). The seroprevalence of anti-HCV seropositivity was investigated in 387 healthcare professionals, (29%) working in 14 healthcare units (19%) in the state of Minas Gerais. The mean number of professionals in each healthcare unit was 27 (7%) and these were divided into two groups, according to their time of professional activity: <10 years (G1) and > 10 years (G2). In G1, there were no cases of anti-HCV seropositivity. In G2, three members of staff were anti-HCV seropositive, one of whom referred having had an accident withcontaminated material. The mean time of work of the seropositive staff in the healthcare units was 15.6 years. The seroprevalence of anti-HCV seropositivity was 0.8% when all the healthcare professionals were taken into consideration and 1.3% when only G2 was considered. Between the staff members in G2, anti-HCV seropositivity was not related to thetransfusion of blood derivatives, tattoos, piercing or the use of injectable drugs. There was no statistically significant difference considering HCV seroprevalence between G1 and G2 when it came to the time of occupational exposure (p=0.27). The structure and level of organizationof the great majority of the healthcare units in the state of Minas Gerais is in accordance with the guidelines defined in the Ministry of Healths Directive 2042, dated October 12, 1996. Conclusions: In conclusion, the seroprevalence of HCV in patients on HD in the state of Minas Gerais is 13 ± 9.5% and is higher than that of the general population, but has beenfalling in recent years; seroprevalence of HCV in patients with CRF on HD in the state of Minas Gerais is similar to rates described in some european countries and in the United States; variability in the seroprevalence of HCV was found among healthcare units in thesame municipality and among healthcare units of different regions of the state of Minas Gerais; the calculation of anti-HCV seroprevalence in the majority of healthcare units was hindered by the presence of old cases of hepatitis C; no increase was observed in the frequency of HCV seroprevalence in the healthcare units during the study; a statisticallysignificant correlation was found between HCV seroprevalence and time of treatment on HD; there was no statistically significant correlation between municipal and regional HDI and seroprevalence of HCV in the healthcare units evaluated; HCV seroprevalence in the healthprofessionals studied is similar to that described in the literature; the majority of the healthcare units in the state of Minas Gerais are structured according to the guidelines of Directive 2048; nosocomial transmission of hepatitis C in the healthcare units should be prevented through the rigorous adoption of universal measures for the control of infections,that are fundamental for validation and strategic planning of preventive methods.pt_BR
dc.description.resumoIntrodução: A hepatite C (HCV) é um problema de saúde pública mundial. Pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) em hemodiálise (HD) constituem um grupo de risco para a aquisição desta infecção. A soroprevalência de HCV nesses pacientes, vem sofrendo declínio nos últimos anos como resultado de políticas de saúde públicas adotadas em paises desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, entretanto, ainda permanece mais elevada que na população geral.Objetivos:Verificar a soroprevalência da hepatite C em pacientes com IRC em HD e em profissionais de saúde (PS) das unidades de HD (UPS) do Estado de Minas Gerais; correlacionar a soroprevalência de HCV com o tempo em HD ; descrever os dados demográficos dos pacientes em HD; agrupar as UPS segundo a frequência de soroprevalência de HCV; correlacionar a soroprevalência de HCV com o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) municipal e regional e descrever a estrutura das UPS de MG de acordo com a Portaria 2042 do Ministério da Saúde (MS) do Brasil. Métodos: Analisou-se os registros epidemiológicos e sorológicos de pacientes em HD de 66 UPS (95%) e de PS de 14 UPS do Estado de MG através de um questionário específico e validado. As variáveis analisadas foram: soroprevalência de anti-HCV nos pacientes e PS, dados demográficos, o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH), tempo em HD e estrutura das UPS.Resultados: No período de janeiro a dezembro de 2003, nas 66 UPS do Estado de MG, 6849 e 7636 pacientes se encontravam em HD, respectivamente. Houve predomínio do sexo masculino (56,2%), da faixa etária entre 41 e 60 anos e as principais causas da IRC foram:hipertensão arterial (30%), glomerulonefrite crônica (24%) e nefropatia diabética (20%). A soroprevalência média de HCV foi 13±9,5% e a soroprevalência trimestral foi inferior a 20%, 15% e 10% em 75%, 50% e 40% das UPS, respectivamente. As UPS agrupadas segundo a soroprevalência de HCV em baixa (< 5%), média (5 a 15%) e alta soroprevalência (> 15%) encontrou-se que 20% delas têm baixa, 42% média e 37,5% alta soroprevalência. Não se observou correlação entre o IDH municipal e a soroprevalência de HCV (r=0,059; p=0,70) eentre o IDH da região e a soroprevalência média de HCV (r=0,42; p=0,174), entretanto, nas regiões onde o IDH é mais alto a soroprevalência de HCV foi mais elevada. A média de soroprevalência mensal de HCV nas 12 UPS do município de Belo Horizonte foi 12%, sendo a média anual mínima de 3,0% e a máxima de 22,4%. Houve correlação positiva entre soroprevalência de HCV e tempo de HD em pacientes em HD no município de BH (p<0,05). A soroprevalência de HCV foi investigada em 387 PS (29%) que trabalham em 14 UPS(19%) do Estado de MG. Encontrou-se soropositividade anti-HCV entre os PS com tempo de ocupação profissional > 10 anos. O tempo médio de trabalho dos PS soropositivos foi de 15,6 anos. A soroprevalência de HCV foi 0,8% considerando-se todos os PS e de 1,3% paraaqueles com atividade profissional > 10 anos. A maioria das UPS do Estado de MG estão se adequando às normas da Portaria 2042 do MS de 12 de outubro de 1996. Conclusões: A soroprevalência de HCV nos pacientes em HD em MG é mais elevada que na população geral, mas inferior aos anos anteriores ao estudo, e semelhante às taxas descritasem países europeus e nos Estados Unidos da América. A soroprevalência de HCV é variável entre as UPS de um mesmo município e entre as UPS de diferentes regiões do estado de MG.Não se observou aumento trimestral da soroprevalência de HCV nas UPS. O tempo em HD esteve associado à maior soroprevalência de HCV. A presença nas UPS de pacientes em HD antes de 1992 e atualmente a transmissão nosocomial, são facilitadores da elevadasoroprevalência de HCV. A Portaria 2042 do MS, representou um marco histórico na estruturação das UPS. A adoção das medidas de precaução universais, são fundamentais no controle dessa enfermidade.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Geraispt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectPolítica de saúde/ tendênciaspt_BR
dc.subjectUnidades hospitalares de hemodiálise/normaspt_BR
dc.subjectInstituições de assistência ambulatorial/normaspt_BR
dc.subjectHepatite C/epidemiologiapt_BR
dc.subjectDiálise renalpt_BR
dc.subjectDiagnóstico da situação em saúdept_BR
dc.subjectHepatite C/transmissãopt_BR
dc.subjectEstudos soroepidemiológicospt_BR
dc.subject.otherInsuficiência renal crônica/etiologiapt_BR
dc.subject.otherInstituições de assistência ambulatorial/recursos humanospt_BR
dc.subject.otherHepatite C/epidemiologiapt_BR
dc.subject.otherDiabetes Mellitus/complicaçõespt_BR
dc.subject.otherClínica Médicapt_BR
dc.subject.otherInstituições de assistência ambulatorial/legislaçãopt_BR
dc.subject.otherInfecção hospitalar/prevenção e controlept_BR
dc.subject.otherHepatite C/prevenção e controlept_BR
dc.subject.otherEstudos transversaispt_BR
dc.subject.otherHepatite C/transmissãopt_BR
dc.subject.otherFatores de riscopt_BR
dc.subject.otherUnidades hospitalares de hemodiálise/recursos humanospt_BR
dc.subject.otherEstudos soroepidemiológicospt_BR
dc.subject.otherUnidades hospitalares de hemodiálise/normaspt_BR
dc.subject.otherInstituições de assistência ambulatorial/normaspt_BR
dc.subject.otherAnticorpos anti-hepatite C/imunologiapt_BR
dc.subject.otherGrupos de riscopt_BR
dc.subject.otherUnidades hospitalares de hemodiálise/legislaçãopt_BR
dc.subject.otherDiálise renalpt_BR
dc.subject.otherPolítica de saúde/tendênciaspt_BR
dc.subject.otherDiagnóstico da situação em saúdept_BR
dc.subject.otherTransmissão de doençaspt_BR
dc.titleSoroprevalência de hepatite C em pacientes em hemodiálise no Estado de Minas Geraispt_BR
dc.typeDissertação de Mestradopt_BR
Aparece en las colecciones:Dissertações de Mestrado

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