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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título: Order-disorder transition in a two-dimensional associating lattice gas
Autor(es): Alexandre Penteado Furlan
Tiago José de Oliveira
Jürgen Fritz Stilck
Ronald Dickman
Resumo: We study an associating lattice gas (ALG) using Monte Carlo simulation on the triangular lattice and semianalytical solutions on Husimi lattices. In this model, the molecules have an orientational degree of freedom and the interactions depend on the relative orientations of nearest-neighbor molecules, mimicking the formation of hydrogen bonds. We focus on the transition between the high-density liquid (HDL) phase and the isotropic phase in the limit of full occupancy, corresponding to chemical potential μ→∞, which has not yet been studied systematically. Simulations yield a continuous phase transition at τc = kBTc/γ = 0.4763(1) (where −γ is the bond energy) between the low-temperature HDL phase, with a nonvanishing mean orientation of the molecules, and the high-temperature isotropic phase. Results for critical exponents and the Binder cumulant indicate that the transition belongs to the three-state Potts model universality class, even though the ALG Hamiltonian does not have the full permutation symmetry of the Potts model. In contrast with simulation, the Husimi lattice analyses furnish a discontinuous phase transition, characterized by a discontinuity of the nematic order parameter. The transition temperatures (τc = 0.51403 and 0.51207 for trees built with triangles and hexagons, respectively) are slightly higher than that found via simulation. Since the Husimi lattice studies show that the ALG phase diagram features a discontinuous isotropic-HDL line for finite μ, three possible scenarios arise for the triangular lattice. The first is that in the limit μ→∞the first-order line ends in a critical point; the second is a change in the nature of the transition at some finite chemical potential; the third is that the entire line is one of continuous phase transitions. Results from other ALG models and the fact that mean-field approximations show a discontinuous phase transition for the three-state Potts model (known to possess a continuous transition) lends some weight to the third alternative.
Assunto: Fenômenos críticos
Gás de rede
Transições de fases
Método de Monte Carlo
Idioma: eng
País: Brasil
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Instituição: UFMG
Tipo de Acesso: Acesso Restrito
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Data do documento: 8-Ago-2019
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Physical Review E
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo de Periódico

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