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Tipo: Dissertação
Título: Authentic assessment in higher education: an extended replication
Título(s) alternativo(s): Avaliação autêntica no ensino superior: uma replicação estendida
Autor(es): Cláudio Lucas Vieira Batista
primer Tutor: Ricardo Teixeira Veiga
Resumen: The methods by which higher education institutions qualify their students may be at odds with the expectations of future employers who increasingly value employees with greater professional practice or demonstrate a wide range of skills, not only a diploma degree. The study of authentic assessment on satisfaction and promotion behavior emerges from this difference between the workforce companies expectations and what universities render as content and practices. This research replicated and extended James and Casidy's (2018) study, which evaluated the effect of the authenticity of assessments on promotion behavior towards a course by undergraduate students of a business school. It was assumed that this effect is mediated by student satisfaction and that the relationship between authenticity and satisfaction is moderated by career ambition. The extension part refers to the attachment of a second moderator variable, the psychological trait of competitiveness. We carried out another conditional analysis with different data collection. We intended to enrich the prior research, challenging the hypotheses and revisiting the literature, not trying to prove it right or wrong, but increasing this study reliability. The total sample encompasses 129 respondents, 50% men, 49% women, 1% non-binary. The average age of the participants is 25 years old, of which 62% are in the age group from 17 to 25 years old; 83% of the participants comprise students from public universities; 17% are students from private schools. All of them are business undergraduates. We used the Google Forms App to apply the questionnaire. The two scenarios of more and less authentic assessment were chosen randomically. Among the 129 observations, the N non-authentic = 64, and N authentic = 65. The results validated all the hypotheses of the pivotal study, meaning that the authentic assessment is positively related to student's satisfaction and promoting behavior. Student satisfaction mediated the relationship between authentic assessments and promoting behavior. The effects of authentic assessment are stronger among students with higher levels of career ambition than those who are less ambitious. This effect was not statistically significant with the moderation of competitiveness. Based on the findings, the author recommends more replication of works such as this one, with experiments that may collaborate for the reliability criteria in human sciences' research process, particularly in Marketing.
Asunto: Estudantes
Ensino superior
Idioma: eng
País: Brasil
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Institución: UFMG
Curso: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Fecha del documento: 4-jun-2021
Aparece en las colecciones:Dissertações de Mestrado

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Dissertação Cláudio Lucas Vieira Batista - Dissertação Mestrado - Versão Final2.pdfAs alterações foram realizadas conforme solicitado em 31-05-2022646.92 kBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir

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