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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título: Poor sleep quality's association with soccer Injuries: preliminary data
Autor(es): Andressa Silva
Fernanda Veruska Narciso
Igor Soalheiro
Fernanda Viegas
Luísa de Sousa Nogueira Freitas
Adriano Eduardo Lima da Silva
Bruno Assis Leite
Haroldo Christo Aleixo
Rob Duffield
Marco Túlio de Mello
Resumen: Purpose: To investigate the relationship between sleep quality and quantity and injuries in elite soccer players and to compare sleep–wake variables and injury characteristics. Methods: The current investigation was a prospective cohort study of 23 elite male soccer players competing for 2 teams over 6 mo in the highest-level Brazilian competition. The players’ sleep behavior was monitored for 10 d in the preseason using self-reporting sleep diaries and wrist activity monitors to determine sleep duration and quality. Furthermore, injuries were recorded by the respective club’s medical teams into a specific database. Details of injuries recorded included the type, location, and severity of each injury. The results were expressed as descriptive statistics, and the significance level was set at 5%. The Mann–Whitney U test was performed to compare the sleep variables between groups. Spearman correlation coefficient and linear-regression analysis were used. Results: The results indicated a moderate negative correlation between sleep efficiency and particular injury characteristics, including absence time, injury severity, and amount of injuries. The linear-regression analysis indicated that 44% of the total variance in the number of injuries can be explained by sleep efficiency, 24% of the total variance in the absence time after injury (days) can be explained by sleep efficiency, and 47% of the total variance in the injury severity can be explained by sleep efficiency. Conclusions: Soccer players who exhibit lower sleep quality or nonrestorative sleep show associations with increased number and severity of musculoskeletal injuries.
Asunto: Atletas - Ferimentos e lesões
Distúrbios do sono
Idioma: eng
País: Brasil
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Institución: UFMG
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Restrito
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Fecha del documento: may-2020
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo de Periódico

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