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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título: Nitrate Contamination in Brazilian Urban Aquifers: a Tenacious Problem
Autor(es): Ricardo Hirata
Reginaldo Bertolo
Fabiana Cagnon
Aline Bernice
Carlos Maldaner
Paulo Henrique Ferreira Galvão
Carlos Henrique Gil Marques
Rafael Terada
Cláudia Varnier
Cathryn Ryan
Resumen: ThisstudyfollowsthegeochemistryofnitrogeninaCretaceousandunconfinedsedimentary aquiferinthecityofUrânia(Brazil)over20years. Althoughthesewernetworkwasbuiltinthe1970s, thenitratecontaminationproblem(>45mg/L-NO3−)persiststothisday. Theoldesturbanizationareas locatedinthenorthofthecityinitiallyusedcesspitsforwastewaterandcurrentlypresentthehighest nitrateconcentrations(>120mg/L-NO3−),withtheplumereachingthedeeperaquiferportions(upto 100m). Thecontaminationisnotasdramaticinthesouthpartofthecity,whereurbanizationincluding installationofthesewagenetworkwithPVCpipesthataremoreresistanttoleakthantheoldceramic networks occurred after 1985. Based on the constructive well profiles, three hydrogeochemical zones were established: shallow (<20 m deep), with average nitrate of 63 mg/L-NO3−; intermediate (20–60 m), with 30 mg/L-NO3−; and deep (>60 m), with 17 mg/L-NO3−. The current total nitrate mass in the aquifer exceeds 731 kg-NO3−. Numerical flow (Modflow) and transport (MT3D) model scenarios support the hypothesis that the nitrate contamination is caused by substantial infiltration of nitrogen through the cesspits until the 1970s, but after the 1990s, leaks from the sewer network should be responsible for the maintenance of the recently observed high concentrations of nitrate.
Asunto: Recursos hídricos
Caracterização hidrogeológica
Idioma: por
País: Brasil
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Institución: UFMG
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Identificador DOI: 10.3390/w1210270
Fecha del documento: 2020
metadata.dc.url.externa: http://
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Water
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo de Periódico

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