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dc.contributor.advisor1Natalia Cristina Chavespt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1Marcelo de Oliveira Milagrespt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2Fernanda Valle Versianipt_BR
dc.creatorThaís Kleinsorge Mendespt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis master thesis aims to deal with the criteria used to determine whether the parties, within the scope of an M&A transaction, are bound or not from the moment they enter a preliminary document, in other words, any draft that translates into a commitment by the parties to proceed with the transfer of the equity interest that constitutes the object of the intended transaction. Depending on what is contained in this document and the behavior manifested by the parties during the negotiation phase, as well as the particularities inherent to the purchase and sale in question, it could be said that the parties are bound, in an irreversible way, to get on with the business. If that is the case, the party that was injured by the non-consummation of the transaction could require the opposing party to be held liable in court. The proposed research is therefore part of an attempt to contribute to the discussions involving the requirements that oblige economic agents to proceed with the conclusion of a stock purchase agreement. This type of contract falls into the category of the atypical contracts and its execution is not instantaneous, which is why the task of identifying the different levels of binding assumed by the parties over the period that precedes the effective conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement becomes quite challenging. The work will address the process of forming business contracts and the principles that should guide the performance of economic agents in the so-called pre-contractual phase, but after the conclusion of a draft. Among these principles, a focus will be given to private autonomy, which finds its maximum expression in the freedom to contract, and to objective good faith, through the preservation of the principle of trust. In addition, in order to identify the arguments commonly used to defend the absence or presence of liability for breach of the pre-contract, the jurisprudential understandings given by the judges of the largest Brazilian courts will be addressed. Finally, the thesis will deal with the possible hypotheses of liability of the party that chooses to close negotiations involving a potential M&A transaction, aiming at a better adaptation to the peculiarities of the concrete case and in light of the terms and conditions set forth in the preliminary draft concluded.pt_BR
dc.description.resumoO presente trabalho visa tratar sobre os critérios utilizados para determinar se as partes, no âmbito de uma operação de M&A, estão ou não vinculadas desde o momento em que firmaram um documento preliminar, isto é, qualquer minuta que se traduza em um compromisso das partes de procederem à transferência da participação societária que constitui objeto da operação pretendida. A depender do que constar deste documento e do comportamento manifestado pelas partes ao longo da fase de tratativas, bem como das particularidades inerentes à compra e venda em questão, poder-se-ia afirmar que as partes estão obrigadas, de maneira irretratável, a seguirem com o negócio. Se for esse o caso, a parte que se viu lesada pela não consumação da operação poderia requerer em juízo a responsabilização da parte contrária. A pesquisa proposta insere-se, portanto, na tentativa de contribuir para as discussões envolvendo os requisitos que obrigam os agentes econômicos a seguirem com a celebração de um contrato de compra e venda de participação acionária.pt_BR
dc.description.sponsorshipCNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológicopt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Geraispt_BR
dc.publisher.departmentDIREITO - FACULDADE DE DIREITOpt_BR
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Direitopt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectContrato preliminarpt_BR
dc.subjectOperação de M&Apt_BR
dc.subjectAutonomia privadapt_BR
dc.subjectBoa-fé objetivapt_BR
dc.subjectExecução específicapt_BR
dc.subject.otherDireito empresarialpt_BR
dc.subject.otherContrato preliminarpt_BR
dc.subject.otherBoa-fé (Direito)pt_BR
dc.subject.otherCompra e vendapt_BR
dc.titleContratos preliminares nas operações de compra e venda de participação acionária em companhias fechadas: requisitos para a celebração do contrato definitivopt_BR
Aparece en las colecciones:Dissertações de Mestrado

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Thaís Kleinsorge Mendes - Dissertação (27 de junho de 2023).pdf1.21 MBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir

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