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Type: Artigo de Periódico
Title: Effect of compliance during periodontal maintenance therapy on levels of bacteria associated with periodontitis: a 6-year prospective study
Authors: Fernando de Oliveira Costa
Thaís Riberal Vieira
Sheila Cavalca Cortelli
Luis Otávio de Miranda Cota
José Eustáquio Costa
Maria Cássia Ferreira Aguiar
José Roberto Cortelli
Abstract: Background: It is well established that regular compliance during periodontal maintenance therapy (PMT) maintains the stability of periodontal clinical parameters obtained after active periodontal therapy (APT). However, compliance during PMT has not yet been related to subgingival bacterial levels. Thus, this study followed individuals in PMT over 6 years and longitudinally evaluated the effects of compliance on periodontitis-associated bacterial levels and its relation to periodontal status. Methods: From a 6-year prospective cohort study with 212 individuals in PMT, 91 were determined to be eligible. From this total, 28 regular compliers (RC) were randomly selected and matched for age and sex with 28 irregular compliers (IC). Complete periodontal examination and microbiological samples were obtained 5 times: T1 (prior to APT), T2 (after APT), T3 (2 years), T4 (4 years), and T5 (6 years). Total bacteria counts and levels of Actinomyces naeslundii, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola were evaluated through quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Results: RC had less tooth loss and better clinical and microbiological conditions over time when compared with IC. IC had higher total bacterial counts and higher levels of T. denticola. Moreover, among IC, total bacterial counts were positively associated with plaque index and bleeding on probing, while levels of A. naeslundii, T. forsythia, and T. denticola were negatively associated with clinical attachment loss (4 to 5 mm) among RC. Conclusions: Compliance positively influenced subgingival microbiota and contributed to stability of periodontal clinical status. Regular visits during PMT sustained microbiological benefits provided by APT over a 6-year period.
Subject: Microbiology
language: eng Brasil
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Publisher Initials: UFMG
metadata.dc.publisher.department: FAO - DEPARTAMENTO DE CLÍNICA
Rights: Acesso Restrito
Issue Date: 2018
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Journal of periodontology
Appears in Collections:Artigo de Periódico

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