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Tipo: Dissertação de Mestrado
Título: The american electra: O'neill's modern version of the myth
Autor(es): Ana Maria de Melo Carneiro
primer Tutor: Ana Lúcia Almeida Gazzola
primer miembro del tribunal : Junia de Castro Magalhaes Alves
Resumen: .
Abstract: This study aims at analysing the elements by means of which Eugene O'Neill, in his trilogy Mourning Becomes Electra, departs from the classical versions of the Electra myth and presents a modern, original elaboration of that Stoff. Freud's theory of instincts and of the Oedipus complex, as well as specific ideological aspects of American culture, are also discussed, since they influence characterization and function as the base for the action. It is demonstrated how the play is structured on the principle of polarity, which underlies setting, imagery, and characters' portrayal. The role of psychological fate in the trilogy is examined, as it limits the individual freedom of the characters and leads to their alienation and self-destruction. Finally, taking as support Hegel's and Max Scheler's views on the tragic, the question of genre definition is focused on. It is concluded that O'Neill's characters are not tragic heroes, but rather embody traits of contemporary self-doubt, rebellion, and fragmentation. The dark view of life projected in the play is discussed, since the outcome reveals that on an individual or historical level, there is no solution for human conflict.
Asunto: Mito na literatura
Literatura americana História e crítica
O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953 Mourning becomes Electra Critica e intepretação
Idioma: Inglês
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Institución: UFMG
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Fecha del documento: 1-ene-1985
Aparece en las colecciones:Dissertações de Mestrado

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