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Tipo: Monografias de Especialização
Título: Proposals to contemporary approaches in English language teaching: unidade didática para o ensino de Inglês
Autor(es): Yuri Wenceslau Fioravante
primer Tutor: Maralice de Souza Neves
Resumen: .
Abstract: Teaching effectively is not a ready-made task or commodity. It comprises research, study, development, commitment. Many beliefs concerning the job are on the way considering that every actively participant citizen in society must have been an attendantto a school, so many assumptions are made. Although, only people who undergo teacher training courses or readings in educational matters can have a real insight on how challenging it is and that includes the duty of preparing didactic materials. Initially, it seems easy to produce materials for use in the classroom, but it requires a lot of thinking into it, guaranteeing an internal cohesion that guides the objectives of theunit, coherence in each step, attention to meet the needs of most students (or at least attempt to it), promote to language studies a sense of engagement and meaningfulness. Adding to that, contemporary approaches to teaching must be considered in this process,in order not to offer something phased out or old-fashioned.
Asunto: Língua inglesa Estudo e ensino
Idioma: Inglês
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Institución: UFMG
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Fecha del documento: 11-ago-2017
Aparece en las colecciones:Especialização em Língua Inglesa

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