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dc.contributor.advisor1Aurora Maria Guimaraes Gouveapt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1Celina Maria Modenapt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2Vitor Marcio Ribeiropt_BR
dc.contributor.referee3Zelia Ines Portela Lobatopt_BR
dc.contributor.referee4Sergio Luiz de Freitas Balsamaopt_BR
dc.creatorPatricia Gomes de Souzapt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe current study evaluated the transference and duration of matemalantibodies against canine distemper (CDV) in dams and their progenyusing the soroneutralization test. Experiment was camed out with 16bitches of different breeds and their respective offsprings. Serumsamples were collected 48 and 72 hours before parturition, 48 hoursafterwards and every two weeks until the end of the experiment. Inpuppies, serum sample were obtained 48 hours after birth and every twoweeks until eight collects. Neutralization antibodies were detected withserum-neutralization test in cell culture in microtitration plates. Titerswere expressed as inverse semm dilution either as IOQ to which protected 50% of the cell cultures against infection with 100 TCIDSU V"Onderstepoort' strain. The SN titer against CDV in the majority of dams remained fairly constant for the observation period. An increasing of the level of neutralizing antibodies against CDV was observed in two dams 16 and 20 days after parturition; this fact could be due a possible contact with either the virus or vaccine antigen. The SN titers of the dams which were not annually vaccinated were always less than 2 (0,3 log), andconsequently their offsprings not acquired adequately passive matemalantibodies. The percentage of matemal immunity transmission for 16litters from dams varied from 34,0 to 168,0%, with an average of 58%.Great variation was observed in the same litter. Puppies from dam withhigh SN titers against CDV, remained higher titers than those from damwith lower SN titers. A constant and gradual decreasing of seric level ofmatemal antibodies in the puppies ocuned with time increasing, reaching fairly very low levels from 16 days of age.The current study evaluated the transference and duration of matemal antibodies against canine distemper (CDV) in dams and their progeny using the soroneutralization test. Experiment was camed out with 16 bitches of different breeds and their respective offsprings. Serum samples were collected 48 and 72 hours before parturition, 48 hours afterwards and every two weeks until the end of the experiment. In puppies, serum sample were obtained 48 hours after birth and every two weeks until eight collects. Neutralization antibodies were detected with serum-neutralization test in cell culture in microtitration plates. Titerswere expressed as inverse semm dilution either as log10 which protected 50% of the cell cultures against infection with 100 TCID50"Onderstepoort' strain. The SN titer against CDV in the majority of dams remained fairly constant for the observation period. An increasing of the level of neutralizing antibodies against CDV was observed in two dams 16 and 20 days after parturition; this fact could be due a possible contact with either the virus or vaccine antigen. The SN titers of the dams which were not annually vaccinated were always less than 2 (0,3 log), andconsequently their offsprings not acquired adequately passive matemalantibodies. The percentage of matemal immunity transmission for 16litters from dams varied from 34,0 to 168,0%, with an average of 58%.Great variation was observed in the same litter. Puppies from dam withhigh SN titers against CDV, remained higher titers than those from damwith lower SN titers. A constant and gradual decreasing of seric level ofmatemal antibodies in the puppies ocuned with time increasing, reaching fairly very low levels from 16 days of age.pt_BR
dc.description.resumoO presente trabalho avaliou a duração e transferência passiva deanticorpos maternos contra a cinomose canina(CIC) através da titulação dos níveis séricos de anticorpos da cadela e de sua progênie. Noexperimento participaram 16 cadeias de várias raças com suas respectivas crias. Foram coletadas amostras de soro das cadelas 48 a 72 horas pré-parto, 48 horas após o parto e quinzenalmente até o final do experimento. Nos filhotes as coletas de soro foram realizadas 48 horas após o nascimento e quinzenalmente totalizando oito coletas. Foiutilizada a técnica de soroneutralização em microplaca para a titulação de anticorpos. O titulo foi determinado pelo calculo de Reed-Muench, sendo expresso como inverso da diluição correspondente à DE50 (dose efetiva 50%) ou como logaritmo, frente a 100 TCID50 da amostra "Onderstepoort" do vírus da CIC. Observou-se na maioria das cadeias a manutenção do titulo de anticorpos neutralizantes contra a CIC por todo o experimento. Em duas cadelas observou-se aumento do nível sérico de anticorpos neutralizantes contra a CIC 16 e 20 dias após o parto, do que pode-se inferir um provável contato com o antígeno vacinal ou virulento. As mães que não foram vacinadas anualmente apresentaram títulos neutralizantes menores que 2 (0,3 log) e conseqüentemente não passaram aos filhotes imunidade adequada. Nos filhotes ocorreu uma porcentagem de transferência de anticorpos maternos de 58% em relação ao titulo da mãe. Foi observada grande variação do titulo sorológico dentro da mesma ninhada, refletindo variações individuais entre os filhotes. Aqueles animais oriundos de mães com alto nível sérico de anticorpos contra CIC mantiveram os títulos por mais tempo, quando comparados com filhotes oriundos de mães com títulos baixos. Percebeu-se uma queda constante e gradativa do nível sérico de anticorpos passivos em função do tempo, chegando a níveis muito baixos a partir de 16 dias de idade.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Geraispt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectImunidade passivapt_BR
dc.subjectViroses caninaspt_BR
dc.subject.otherCão Doençaspt_BR
dc.subject.otherImunidade materna adquiridapt_BR
dc.titlePerfil sorológico de cadelas e respectivas crias: tranferência e declínio de anticorpos passivos contra o vírus da cinomose caninapt_BR
dc.typeDissertação de Mestradopt_BR
Appears in Collections:Dissertações de Mestrado

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