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Tipo: Dissertação de Mestrado
Título: A prática do trabalho infantil entre os beneficiários do Programa Bolsa-Escola Belo Horizonte: um estudo sobre os determinantes sócio-demográficos
Autor(es): Michelle dos Santos Diniz
primer Tutor: Ada Avila Assuncao
primer Co-tutor: Waleska Teixeira Caiaffa
primer miembro del tribunal : Luiz Augusto Facchini
Segundo miembro del tribunal: Eduardo Araujo de Oliveira
Resumen: Introdução: Trabalho infantil prejudica a formação e a saúde de crianças e adolescentes. Segundo a OIT, em 2004, havia 218 milhões de crianças e adolescentes entre 5 e 17 anos trabalhando no mundo. No Brasil, 5,1 milhões trabalhavam em 2006. Observa-se tendência dequeda coincidente com a implantação de programas de transferência de renda. Objetivo: Estudar as características das famílias com e sem registro de trabalho infantil inscritas no Programa Bolsa-Escola de Belo Horizonte e comparar estes dois grupos para se detectar fatores possivelmente associados ao trabalho infantil. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo transversal com 9252 famílias participantes do Programa de2003 a 2006. A variável dependente é o registro de trabalho infantil e as variáveis independentes incluem características do domicílio, da mãe e da família. Foram realizadas as análises descritiva, univariada e multivariada com posterior cálculo do poder do teste e elaboração do modelo de probabilidade. Resultados: Dentre as famílias estudadas (n=9252), 1293 (13,9%) apresentaram algum registro de trabalho infantil. Observou-se relação positiva entre a ocorrência de trabalhoinfantil e o número de pessoas na casa (5 ou mais) e a renda familiar per capita. A presença de cônjuge na casa revelou-se fator de proteção. O fato da mãe possuir vínculo trabalhista mostrou-se associado ao trabalho infantil. Quanto menor a escolaridade da mãe maior a presença de trabalho infantil. A análise multivariada incluiu 8948 famílias e as variáveis: quantidade de pessoas e presença do cônjuge na casa, grau de instrução materna e situação materna no mercado de trabalho e confirmou os resultados da análise univariada. Conclusão: Apesar da consolidação do Programa estudado o trabalho infantil continua presente entre os bolsistas. Podem-se citar como prováveis fatores associados à ocorrência do trabalho infantil a ausência do cônjuge em casa, baixa escolaridade materna, mãe com inserção trabalhista e cinco ou mais pessoas na casa.
Abstract: According to the ILO, in 2004 there were 218 million children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 17 at work throughout the world. In Brazil, 5.1 million were at work in 2006. It was noted that there was a tendency for this number to fall at the same time as income transferprograms were established. Objective: To study the attributes of families with and without child workers enrolled in the Family Benefit Program (Bolsa-Escola1) in Belo Horizonte and to compare these two groupsin order to try to identify the factors that are possibly related to child labour.Materials and Methods: A transversal study of 9252 families taking part in the program from 2003 to 2006. The dependent variable is the incidence of child labour and the independent variables include the attributes of the household, the mother and the family. Descriptive, univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out, followed by calculation ofthe power of the statistical test and production of a probability model.Results: There were 1,293 (13.9%) incidences of child labour out of the total number of families studied (n = 9,252). It was noted that there was a positive relationship between the incidence of child labour, the number of persons in the household. (5 or more) and the per capita family income. The presence of the spouse was found to be a protective factor. It wasfound that the lower the level of the mothers education, the greater the incidence of child labour. The multivariate analysis included 8948 families and made use of the following variables:- number of persons and presence of the spouse in the household; level of motherseducation and her labour market status. This analysis confirmed the univariate results. Conclusion: In spite of the consolidation of the program studied, there still incidences of child labour among those enrolled in the program. The probable factors leading to theincidence of child labour were the absence of one of the spouses, the low level of the mothers education, a working mother and there being five or more persons in the household. 1 Bolsa Escola: a benefit that requires parents to keep their children in school.According to the ILO, in 2004 there were 218 million children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 17 at work throughout the world. In Brazil, 5.1 million were at work in 2006. It was noted that there was a tendency for this number to fall at the same time as income transfer programs were established. Objective: To study the attributes of families with and without child workers enrolled in the Family Benefit Program (Bolsa-Escola1) in Belo Horizonte and to compare these two groups in order to try to identify the factors that are possibly related to child labour. Materials and Methods: A transversal study of 9252 families taking part in the program from 2003 to 2006. The dependent variable is the incidence of child labour and the independent variables include the attributes of the household, the mother and the family. Descriptive, univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out, followed by calculation of the power of the statistical test and production of a probability model. Results: There were 1,293 (13.9%) incidences of child labour out of the total number of families studied (n = 9,252). It was noted that there was a positive relationship between the incidence of child labour, the number of persons in the household. (5 or more) and the per capita family income. The presence of the spouse was found to be a protective factor. It was found that the lower the level of the mothers education, the greater the incidence of child labour. The multivariate analysis included 8948 families and made use of the followingvariables:- number of persons and presence of the spouse in the household; level of mothers education and her labour market status. This analysis confirmed the univariate results. Conclusion: In spite of the consolidation of the program studied, there still incidences of child labour among those enrolled in the program. The probable factors leading to theincidence of child labour were the absence of one of the spouses, the low level of the mothers education, a working mother and there being five or more persons in the household. 1 Bolsa Escola: a benefit that requires parents to keep their children in school.
Asunto: Trabalho de menores
Saúde pública
Estudos transversais
Programas governamentais
Idioma: Português
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Institución: UFMG
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Fecha del documento: 14-mar-2008
Aparece en las colecciones:Dissertações de Mestrado

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