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Type: Dissertação de Mestrado
Title: Protocolos de coleta de dados para redes de sensores sem fio
Authors: Bruno Pereira dos Santos
First Advisor: Luiz Filipe Menezes Vieira
First Referee: Marcos Augusto Menezes Vieira
Second Referee: Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro
Abstract: Este trabalho aborda o problema de roteamento para coleta de dados em Redes de Sensores Sem Fio (RSSF). Dois protocolos são apresentados. O primeiro é chamado Centrality-based Routing Aware for L2Ns (CRAL), o qual apresenta roteamento baseado na centralidade dos nós. Os nós centrais atuam como roteadores e escolhem as melhores rotas estimadas por métricas de Link Quality Estimation (LQE). Estas rotas também facilitam a fusão de dados na rede. O segundo protocolo é o eXtend Collection Tree Protocol (XCTP) que melhora o Collection Tree Protocol (CTP), utilizado para coleta de dados em RSSF, criando caminhos bidirecionais entre as estações base e os nós sensores da rede, tornando possível a troca de mensagens de feedback e controle. Os caminhos viabilizam a implementação de protocolos de transporte de dados confiáveis para as RSSF. Os protocolos CRAL e XCTP são alternativas para o roteamento em RSSF devido a seus resultados promissores de confiabilidade, eficiência e consumo de energia.
Abstract: This work presents two protocols to mitigate the data collect in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The first is called Centrality-based Routing Aware for L2Ns (CRAL) that routing packets based in centrality of the nodes and uses different Link Quality Estimations (LQEs), in addition CRAL has a flexible architecture enabling the attachment of data fusion functions and some improvements. We also present the eXtend Collection Tree Protocol (XCTP) to create bidirectional unicast routes between sensor nodes and base station, enabling two way exchange of controls packets (acknowledgments and feedback) or data packets. Moreover we present a algorithm called Policy Aware that provides energy balancing between more central nodes and non-central nodes. Our work presents two new protocols and a new algorithm compared with those presented in the existing literature. We employ a properly methodology to validate and evaluate the proposed protocols using different metrics to check reliability, efficiency, robustness, and flexibility of CRAL and XCTP. The main results for CRAL shows that: i) on average it is more reliable delivering 99.6% of the generated data, while CT and SPT reach about 60%; ii) CRAL and Policy Aware Algorithm are more fair in balancing energy consumption to reduce energy expenditure of the central nodes; iii) CRAL presents small number of Steiner Nodes, and also shows fresh data to use PerHopAd technique for data fusion. XCTP requires small storage space to create bidirectional routes and very small additional overhead in packets. XCTP saves 82% than Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) concerning storage space, being more reliable delivering 100% of packets than Collection Tree Protocol (CTP) that delivers 96.5%. XCTP is scalable by intelligent use of the entries on route tables, it is robust for being agile in network failures and for working with different amounts of nodes. XCTP also presents small control overhead than Routing Protocol for low-power and lossy networks (RPL) on route maintainance.
Subject: Roteamento (Administração de redes de computadores)
Sistemas de comunicaçâo sem fio
Sistemas de comunicação sem fio
Redes de sensores sem fio
language: Português
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Publisher Initials: UFMG
Rights: Acesso Aberto
Issue Date: 6-Mar-2015
Appears in Collections:Dissertações de Mestrado

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