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dc.contributor.advisor1Ernane Ronie Martinspt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1Candido Alves da Costapt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2Décio Karampt_BR
dc.contributor.referee3Edson Talarico Rodriguespt_BR
dc.creatorJanaina Ribeiro Oliveira Fonsecapt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this work was to evaluate the production of phytomass andessential oil of balm (Melissa officinalis L.) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in intercropped cultive. The consorted experiment was carried out from May to October of the year 2008. The experimental delimitation was randomized blocks was consisted by seven treatments and five replications. The treatments were the following intercropped yields: basil + carrot, basil + lettuce, balm + carrot and balm + lettuce and the monocultives of each medicinal plants. There had been evaluated: the production of fresh and dry phytomass and the basil and balm essential oil content. The results were submitted under a statistical analysis by the Tukey test at 5% of probability. The treatments showed significant differences: the monoculture of balm and the cultivation of intercropped balm + lettuce had the best results of fresh and dry phytomass and the highest levels of the balm essential oil cultivation, showing that the intercropped can be established between these species. For the basil, the phytomass production was higher in monoculture and the basiland lettuce intercropping, and lower in the basil and carrot one. Suchtreatments were statistically more superior than the basil and carrotintercropping. Taking this for granthed, the conclusion is that it is possible to establish an intercropping between the species used in this work.The avarage of the analyzed contrasts revealed that, for productivity featuring, the intercropping was higher both in the cultivation of basil as in the cultivation of lemon balm, and the lettuce was the best intercropping match.pt_BR
dc.description.resumoO objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de fitomassa e óleo essencial de melissa (Melissa officinalis L.) e manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L.), em cultivo consorciado e em monocultivo. O experimento foi conduzido de maio a outubro de 2008. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com sete tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram nos cultivos consorciados 1- manjericão + cenoura, 2- manjericão + alface, 3- melissa + cenoura, 4- melissa + alface e 5- melissa + manjericão, além dos monocultivos de cada planta medicinal. Foram avaliados a produção de massa fresca, seca e o teor de óleo essencial de melissa e manjericão. Os resultados foram estatisticamente analisados por meio de contrastes ortogonais, empregando-se o teste F. O monocultivo de melissa e o cultivoconsorciado de melissa + alface apresentaram as maiores produções de fitomassa fresca e seca e os maiores teores de óleo essencial. Para o manjericão, a produção de biomassa foi maior no monocultivo e consórcio com alface, e menor no consórcio com cenoura, o monocultivo não diferiu estatisticamente do consórcio entre manjericão e alface. Dessa forma, conclui-se que é possível estabelecer o consórcio entre as espécies utilizadas no trabalho. As médias dos contrastes analisados evidenciaram, para a característica de produtividade, que os consórcios foram superiores tanto no cultivo do manjericão quanto no cultivo da melissa, sendo a alface a melhor cultura companheira.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Geraispt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectOcimum basilicum Lpt_BR
dc.subjectMelissa officinalis Lpt_BR
dc.subjectFormas de plantiopt_BR
dc.subject.otherPlantas medicinaispt_BR
dc.titleCultivos consorciados entre alface, cenoura, manjericão emelissapt_BR
dc.typeDissertação de Mestradopt_BR
Appears in Collections:Dissertações de Mestrado

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