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dc.contributor.advisor1Heloisa de Oliveira Beraldopt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1Maria Domingues Vargaspt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2Roberto Santana da Silvapt_BR
dc.contributor.referee3Vito Modesto de Bellispt_BR
dc.contributor.referee4Helio Anderson Duartept_BR
dc.creatorJosane Alves Lessapt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn the present work novel thiosemicarbazones-derived drug and metal-based-drug candidates were obtained which present antitumor and antimicrobial activities. To investigate the effect of substitution on the antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of N(4)-phenyl-2-acetylpyridine thiosemicarbazone (H2Ac4Ph, 1), its derivatives were prepared withfluorine, chlorine, iodine and nitro substituents in the ortho, meta and para positions of the N(4)-phenyl group: H2Ac4oFPh (2), H2Ac4mFPh (3), H2Ac4pFPh (4), H2Ac4oClPh (5), H2Ac4mClPh (6), H2Ac4pClPh (7), H2Ac4oIPh (8), H2Ac4mIPh (9), H2Ac4pIPh (10), H2Ac4oNO2Ph (11), H2Ac4mNO2Ph (12) and H2Ac4pNO2Ph (13). Most of the compounds were more or as active as 1 against Staphylococcus aureus. Allthiosemicarbazones were more active than fluconazole against Candida albicans, 9-13 being more active than 1. Thiosemicarbazones 1-13 were cytotoxic at nanomolar doses against MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), U87 (glioblastoma multiforme expressing wild-type pro-apoptotic p53 protein) and T98G (glioblastoma multiforme expressing mutant p53) tumor cell lines and demonstrated low hemolytic activity. According to structure-activity relationship studies, the cytotoxic activityof 1-13 is directly correlated to the energy of the HOMO orbital and to the partial charge of sulfur atom, and inversely correlated to the molecular surface area of thiosemicarbazones. The cytotoxic action of 1-13 may occur through pathways that are independent of p53 protein. Cells death on exposure to 1-13 occur by apoptosis and autophagy. Direct interaction with microtubules is not the main mechanism of apoptosis induction by 1-13. Complexes [Ga(2Ac4pFPh)2]NO3 (1), [Ga(2Ac4pClPh)2]NO3 (2), [Ga(2Ac4pIPh)2]NO3 (3), [Ga(2Ac4pNO2Ph)2]NO3·3H2O (4) and [Ga(2Ac4pT)2]NO3 (5) were obtained with H2Ac4pFPh, H2Ac4pClPh, H2Ac4pIPh, H2Ac4pNO2Ph and N(4)-para-tolyl 2-acetylpyridinethiosemicarbazone (H2Ac4pT). The structures of 1 and 5 were determined by X-ray diffraction and indicate the presence of a gallium(III) center, which is hexacoordinated to two anionic thiosemicarbazones which bind to the metal through the Npy-N-S chelating system. 1-5 were more active than free thiosemicarbazones against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and C. albicans, whereas coordination to gallium(III) did not result in more active compounds against S. aureus. The gallium(III) complexes were also not more cytotoxic than their thiosemicarbazones against the T98G, U87 e MCF-7 cells. Complexes [Au(H2Ac4DH)Cl]·MeOH (1), [Au(H22Ac4Me)Cl]Cl (2)[Au(H22Ac4Ph)Cl]Cl·2H2O (3) and [Au(H22Bz4Ph)Cl]Cl (4) were prepared with 2-acetylpyridine thiosemicarbazone (H2Ac4DH), its N(4)-methyl- (H2Ac4Me) and N(4)-phenyl-(H2Ac4Ph) derivatives, as well as with N(4)-phenyl 2-benzoylpyridine thiosemicarbazone (H2Bz4Ph). The compounds were cytotoxic to Jurkat (immortalized line of T lymphocyte), HL-60 (acute myeloid leukemia), MCF-7 (human breast adenocarcinoma) and HCT-116 (colorectal carcinoma) tumor cell lines. Jurkat and HL-60 cells were more sensitive to the compounds than the solid tumor cells. Upon coordinating to the Au(I) metal center in 2 and 4, the cytotoxicactivity of the H2Ac4Me and H2Bz4Ph ligands increases against the HL-60 and Jurkat tumor cell lines. 2 was more active than auranofin against both leukemia cells. All compounds induced DNAfragmentation in HL-60 and Jurkat cells indicating their pro-apoptotic potential. 2 strongly inhibited the activity of thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), which suggests inhibition of TrxR to be part of its mechanism of action.Complexes [Au(H2Gy3DH)]2Cl2 (1), [Au(H2Gy3Me)]Cl3 (2) and [Au(H2Gy3Et)]Cl3 (3) were synthesized with glyoxaldehyde bis(thiosemicarbazone) (H2Gy3DH) and its N(3)-methyl-(H2Gy3Me) and N(3)-ethyl- (H2Gy3Et) derivatives. The bis(thiosemicarbazones) and 1-3 showed cytotoxic effects against Jurkat, HL-60 and MCF-7 cells, but not against HCT-116 cells. 2inhibited the activity of TrxR, suggesting that the enzyme is a possible biologic target of its cytotoxic action. Complexes [Sb(2Fo4Ph)Cl2] (1), [Bi(2Fo4Ph)Cl2] (2) [Sb(2Ac4Ph)Cl2] (3) and [Bi(2Ac4Ph)Cl2] (4) were prepared with N(4)-phenyl-2-formylpyridine thiosemicarbazone(H2Fo4Ph) and H2Ac4Ph. Coordination to bismuth(III) resulted in compounds more active against S. aureus in comparison with coordination to antimony(III). Thiosemicarbazones and theirSb(III) complexes showed activity against Trypanosoma cruzi, but were highly cytotoxic to healthy cells. Complexes [Bi(H2Gy3DH)Cl3] (1), [Bi(H2Gy3Et)(OH)2Cl] (2) and [Bi(H2Gy3Ph)Cl3] (3)were obtained with H2Gy3DH, H2Gy3Et and N(3)-phenyl glyoxaldehyde bis(thiosemicarbazone) (H2Gy3Ph). The bis(thiosemicarbazones) were not active or demonstrated low activity against S. aureus, S. epidermidis and E. faecalis. Coordination to bismuth(III) significantly increased theantibacterial activity against S. aureus and E. faecalis, constituting an interesting strategy to reduce doses against these bacterial strainspt_BR
dc.description.resumoNo presente trabalho foram obtidos novos candidatos a protótipos de fármacos e metalofármacos derivados de tiossemicarbazonas e bis(tiossemicarbazonas) com ação antitumoral e antimicrobiana. Para investigar do efeito da substituição sobre as atividades antimicrobiana e citotóxica de N(4)-fenil-2-acetilpiridina tiossemicarbazona (H2Ac4Ph, 1), foram preparados seus derivados com os substituintes flúor, cloro, iodo e nitro nas posições orto-, meta- e para do grupo N(4)- fenil: H2Ac4oFPh (2), H2Ac4mFPh (3), H2Ac4pFPh (4), H2Ac4oClPh (5), H2Ac4mClPh (6), H2Ac4pClPh (7), H2Ac4oIPh (8), H2Ac4mIPh (9), H2Ac4pIPh (10), H2Ac4oNO2Ph (11), H2Ac4mNO2Ph (12) e H2Ac4pNO2Ph (13). A maioria dos compostos foi mais ou tão ativa quanto 1 contra Staphylococcus aureus. Todas as tiossemicarbazonas foram mais ativas do que fluconazol contra Candida albicans, sendo os compostos 9-13 mais ativos do que 1. As tiossemicarbazonas 1-13 foram citotóxicas em doses nanomolares contra as linhagens de células tumorais U87 (glioma que expressa a proteína pró-apoptótica p53), T98G (glioma que expressa a proteína p53 mutante) e MCF-7 (carcinoma mamário) e apresentaram baixa atividade hemolítica. De acordo com estudos de relação estrutura-atividade, a atividade citotóxica de 1-13 está diretamente correlacionada com a energia do orbital HOMO e com a carga parcial do enxofre, e inversamente correlacionada com a área da superfície molecular das tiossemicarbazonas. A ação citotóxica de 1-13 pode ocorrer por vias que independem da proteína p53. As células expostas a 1-13 sofrem morte por apoptose e autofagia. A interação direta com microtúbulos não é o principal mecanismo de indução de apoptose por 1-13. Foram sintetizados os complexos de gálio(III) [Ga(2Ac4pFPh)2]NO3 (1), [Ga(2Ac4pClPh)2]NO3 (2), [Ga(2Ac4pIPh)2]NO3 (3), [Ga(2Ac4pNO2Ph)2]NO3·3H2O (4) e [Ga(2Ac4pT)2]NO3 (5) com H2Ac4pFPh, H2Ac4pClPh, H2Ac4pIPh, H2Ac4pNO2Ph e N(4)- para-toluil 2-acetilpiridina tiossemicarbazona (H2Ac4pT). Estruturas de 1 e 5 foram determinadas por difração de raios X e indicam a presença de um centro de gálio(III) hexacoordenado a duas tiossemicarbazonas aniônicas coordenadas pelo sistema Npy-N-S. 1-5 foram mais ativos contra Pseudomonas aeruginosa e C. albicans do que as tiossemicarbazonas livres, enquanto que a coordenação a gálio(III) não resultou em compostos mais ativos contra S. aureus. Os complexos também não se revelaram mais potentes do que suas tiossemicarbazonas contra células tumorais T98G, U87 e MCF-7. Os complexos [Au(H2Ac4DH)Cl]·MeOH (1), [Au(H22Ac4Me)Cl]Cl (2) [Au(H22Ac4Ph)Cl]Cl·2H2O (3) e [Au(H22Bz4Ph)Cl]Cl (4) foram obtidos com 2-acetilpiridina tiossemicarbazona (H2Ac4DH), seus derivados N(4)-metil- (H2Ac4Me) e N(4)-fenil- (H2Ac4Ph) substituídos e com N(4)-fenil 2-benzoilpiridina tiossemicarbazona (H2Bz4Ph). Os compostos foram citotóxicos contra células tumorais HL-60 (leucemia mielóide aguda), Jurkat (leucemia de linfócitos T), MCF-7 (adenocarcinoma de mama) e HCT-116 (carcinoma colorretal humano). Células Jurkat e HL-60 foram mais sensíveis aos compostos do que células de tumores sólidos. A coordenação a Au(I) em 2 e 4 fez aumentar a atividade citotóxica de H2Ac4Me e H2Bz4Ph contra células HL-60 e Jurkat. 2 foi mais ativo do que auranofina contra ambas as linhagens. Todos os compostos induziram fragmentação do ADN em células HL-60 e Jurkat, sugerindo seus potenciais anti-apoptóticos. 2 inibiu a atividade de tiorredoxina redutase (TrxR), sugerindo que a inibição dessa enzima é parte de seu mecanismo de ação. Foram obtidos os complexos [Au(H2Gy3DH)]2Cl2 (1), [Au(H2Gy3Me)]Cl3 (2) e [Au(H2Gy3Et)]Cl3 (3) com glioxaldeído bis(tiossemicarbazona) (H2Gy3DH) e seus derivados N(3)-metil- (H2Gy3Me) e N(3)-etil- (H2Gy3Et) substituídos. As bis(tiossemicarbazonas) e os complexos (1-3) demonstraram efeitos citotóxicos contra as células Jurkat, HL-60 e MCF-7, mas não contra células HCT-116. 2 inibiu a atividade de TrxR sugerindo que a enzima é um possível alvo biológico para a ação citotóxica desse complexo. Complexos de [Sb(2Fo4Ph)Cl2] (1), [Bi(2Fo4Ph)Cl2] (2) [Sb(2Ac4Ph)Cl2] (3) e [Bi(2Ac4Ph)Cl2] (4) foram obtidos com N(4)-fenil-2-formilpiridina tiossemicarbazona (H2Fo4Ph) e H2Ac4Ph. A coordenação a bismuto(III) resultou em compostos significativamente mais ativos contra S. aureus do que a coordenação a antimônio(III). Tiossemicarbazonas e seus complexos de antimônio(III) apresentaram atividade contra o protozoário Trypanosoma cruzi, porém apresentaram alta citotoxicidade em células sadias. Complexos [Bi(H2Gy3DH)Cl3] (1), [Bi(H2Gy3Et)(OH)2Cl] (2) e [Bi(H2Gy3Ph)Cl3] (3) foram obtidos com H2Gy3DH, H2Gy3Et e N(3)-fenil glioxaldeído bis(tiossemicarbazona) (H2Gy3Ph). As bis(tiossemicarbazonas) não foram ativas ou apresentam baixa atividade contra bactérias S. aureus, S. epidermidis e E. faecalis. A coordenação a bismuto(III) fez aumentar significativamente a ação antibacteriana contra S. aureus e E. faecalis, constituindo assim uma estratégia interessante de redução de doses contra essas bactériaspt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Geraispt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectcomplexo metálicopt_BR
dc.subjectatividade farmacológicapt_BR
dc.subjectmecanismo de açãopt_BR
dc.subject.otherQuímica inorgânicapt_BR
dc.subject.otherComplexos metálicospt_BR
dc.subject.otherQuímica farmacêuticapt_BR
dc.subject.otherAgentes antibacterianospt_BR
dc.subject.otherAntimônio Uso terapêuticopt_BR
dc.subject.otherAgentes antineoplásicospt_BR
dc.titleNovos complexos metálicos bioativos com tiossemicarbazonas: investigação do perfil farmacológico e de mecanismos de açãopt_BR
dc.typeTese de Doutoradopt_BR
Appears in Collections:Teses de Doutorado

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