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Type: Artigo de Periódico
Title: O laboratório de Schopenhauer? Benjamin Libet e seu experimento seminal
Other Titles: Schopenhauer´s lab? Benjamin Libet and his seminal experiment
Authors: Renato César Cardoso
Waldir Severiano de Medeiros Júnior
Abstract: Estudar a filosofia de Schopenha-uer sem perder de vista a nossa paisagem cientí fica revela-nos conexo es interessan-tes. Poder-se-ia facilmente encontrar mui-tos insights que mais tarde seriam prova-dos relevantes em diferentes campos como na fí sica, na biologia, na psicologia e na li-teratura. Foi a neurocie ncia, entretanto, que produziu algumas das mais intrigantes confirmaço es da filosofia de Schopenhau-er. Suas consideraço es sobre o tema do livre-arbí trio encontraram provas consi-dera veis no conhecimento moderno do ce -rebro. O neurofisiologista Benjamin Libet, por exemplo, encontrou evide ncias cientí -ficas convincentes de que a "vontade" pre-cede a vontade consciente, tal como sus-tentada ha quase duzentos anos pelo pen-sador alema o. Minar a ideia de livre arbí -trio, no entanto, traz se rios problemas pa-ra as teorias e ticas e legais tradicionais. Assim, sustentamos que os emergentes campos da Neuroe tica e do Neurodireito poderiam ganhar muito com o tipo de so-luça o determinista (figurada na ideia de uma imputabilidade prospectivista, ou se-ja, voltada para o futuro) proposto por Schopenhauer.
Abstract: Studying Schopenhauer's philoso-phy with an interested eye and keeping atten-tion to our scientific landscape is bound to re-veal interesting connections. One could easily find many insights that would later be proven relevant in different fields such as physics, bio-logy, psychology and literature. It is neurosci-ence, however, that has produced some of the most intriguing confirmations of Schopenha-uer’s philosophy. His considerations on the topic of free will have found considerable pro-of in modern day knowledge of the brain. The neurophysiologist Benjamin Libet, for exam-ple, has found compelling scientific evidence that “will” precedes conscious volition, as sus-tained almost two hundred years ago by the German thinker. Undermining the idea of free will, however, brings about serious problems for traditional ethical and legal theories. The emerging fields of Neuroethics and Neurolaw, we sustain, could profit greatly from the kind of deterministic solution (figured in the idea of a prospectivist imputability, that is, focused on the future) proposed by Schopenhauer.
Subject: Schopenhauer, Arthur, 1788-1860
Libet, Benjamin, 1916-2007
language: por Brasil
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Publisher Initials: UFMG
Rights: Acesso Aberto
Issue Date: 2017
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Voluntas
Appears in Collections:Artigo de Periódico

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