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Título: Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in patients with burn injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Autor(es): William Gustavo de Lima
Geisa Cristina Silva Alves
Cristina Sanches
Simone Odília Antunes Fernandes
Magna Cristina de Paiva
Resumen: Purpose In this study, we aimed reviewed the data about the patterns of antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance determinants among carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) from patients with burn injury. Methods A systematic review was conducted using the PRISMA statement in PUBMED/MEDLINE, Scopus, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS) and Cochrane Library. The data referring to enzymatic resistance mechanisms were evaluated by meta-analyses according to random effect. Results 17 articles that evaluated 1226 CRAB recovered from patients with burn injury were included in study. The majority of studies are from Iran (12/17; 70.6%), published in 2016 (6/17; 35.3%) and showed prospective design (15/17; 88.2%). The samples were obtained mainly from burn wounds (14/17; 82.3%) and more than half of the studies did not identify if the isolates originated from infected or colonized patients (10/17; 58.8%). Second the meta-analyses, OXA-type carbapenemase was the main mechanism involved in low susceptibility to carbapenems (53.2%; 95% CI = 60, 80.0%, I2 = 86.0%), followed by metallo-β-lactamases (MBL) (30.2%; 95% CI = 11, 42.0%, I2 = 93.0%), and Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) (16.6%; 95% CI = 5, 63.0%, I2 = 88.0%). The majority of strains harbored blaOXA-23-like (12/17; 70.6%) or blaOXA-24/40-like (12/17; 35.3%) genes. The studies included showed that minocycline (69.5%) and colistin (99.9%) susceptibility remains high and is not impacted by carbapenem resistance in these isolates. Conclusions The results summarized in this review indicate the importance of a high-quality surveillance program to design suitable and effective interventions to control CRAB infection in burn units worldwide.
Asunto: Revisão sistemática
Acinetobacter baumannii
Idioma: eng
País: Brasil
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Institución: UFMG
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Restrito
Identificador DOI: 10.1016/j.burns.2019.07.006
Fecha del documento: nov-2019
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Burns
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo de Periódico

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