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Tipo: Monografia (especialização)
Título: Tropicália and its effects: a study on a Brazilian cultural revolution
Autor(es): Moselle Ottoni Sant'ana
primer Tutor: Junia de Carvalho Fidélis Braga
primer miembro del tribunal : Ronaldo Correa Gomes Júnior
Resumen: This study seeks to explore, in English language teaching to Brazilian teenagers, an artistic movement that revolutionized Brazil. The idea came from experiences and observations in schools and language courses where they teach English from completely different cultures and far from the reality of Brazilian students in public and private schools. Tropicalism was an essential counterculture movement from the time of the military dictatorship, which needs to be remembered so that it is never minimized, since it has a direct relationship with a cruel past in the history of Brazil, which negatively impacts society to this day current. The theoretical basis of this study consists of research about the Tropicália movement, created by Caetano Veloso, who is the artist that appears most throughout both units of the didactic material developed. To discuss culture and language, comments by Crystal (2005), Celani (2016) and Dos Anjos (2019) were selected, while Richards and Rodgers (2002) support students' engagement in topics that may interest them, such as music. This study is also based on Batstone (1994) to argue about grammar issues. Above all, the didactic material developed presents a simple language, accessible to the target audience, facilitating the process of the English language learning and the tropicalist movement.
Asunto: Língua inglesa - Estudo e ensino
Idioma: eng
País: Brasil
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Institución: UFMG
Curso: Curso de Especialização em Língua Inglesa
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Fecha del documento: 16-ene-2023
Término del Embargo: 16-ene-2025
Aparece en las colecciones:Especialização em Língua Inglesa

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Monografia_Material Didático para o Ensino de Inglês_Tropicália and its effects a study on a Brazilian cultural revolution.pdf
??? 2025-01-16
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