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Tipo: Monografia (especialização)
Título: English to share: from the classroom to life
Autor(es): Matheus Rossi Paiva
primer Tutor: Adriana Maria Tenuta de Azevedo
primer miembro del tribunal : Marisa Mendonça Carneiro
Resumen: This current work offers a proposal for pedagogical material based on the methodologies studied throughout this Specialization Course in English Language Teaching. These methodologies are based on a communicative character that explore the students’ communicative capacity in a second language and at the same time help them to develop their protagonism in a second language. The pedagogical tasks developed in this work were divided into two large thematic units in line with the values of relevance in the modern world, exploring several essential tools for contemporary social practices. Aiming at the full development of the student in the acquisition of a second language, it is important to mention that the pedagogical proposals developed throughout the two thematic units have as their central characteristic the deepening of the student around the four major skills in the process of acquiring a second language, which are reading, speaking, listening and writing, in addition to the specific study of some points of English grammar.
Asunto: Língua inglesa - Estudo e ensino
Idioma: por
País: Brasil
Editor: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sigla da Institución: UFMG
Curso: Curso de Especialização em Ensino em Inglês
Tipo de acceso: Acesso Aberto
Fecha del documento: 3-dic-2022
Aparece en las colecciones:Especialização em Língua Inglesa

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TCC (Versão final) - CEI - English to share from the classroom to life - Matheus Rossi Paiva.pdf2.4 MBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir

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