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Type: Artigo de Periódico
Title: . Diode laser surgery for treatment of the hypertrophic scar on the lips
Authors: Amanda Vieira Aires
Alessandro Oliveira de Jesus
Adriana Aparecida Silva da Costa
Vinicius Cesar Barbosa de Menezes
Ricardo Alves Mesquita
Leandro Napier de Souza
Abstract: Hypertrophic scar is a fibropathogenic disorder character ized as an elevated area compared with normal tissue, with swelling, and reddish and hardened as a result of collagen accumulation. A 40-year-old man complaining of upper lip discomfort, with swell ing and hardened spots, presented at our service. He reported previous trauma in the region. Excision and coagulation, fol lowed by ablation, were made by using the diode laser, with 808 nm ± 10 nm wavelength and progressive power of 2500, 3500, and 4000 mW and 697, 36198, and 9750 J energy deposited, re spectively, with 21 minutes and 15 seconds of surgery and 20 minutes and 6 seconds of incision in the pulsate mode of 20 pps. The final diagnosis of fibrous hyperplasia was obtained from the oral pathology service. After the scar was excised, the patient re ported feeling better; he had no discomfort and had stopped biting his lip. In the postoperative period, there were no signs of recurrence.
Subject: Cicatrix, hypertrophic
Lasers, semiconductor
Collagen diseases
Ablation techniques
Excision repair
Blood coagulation
Wounds and injuries
Surgical wound
language: eng Brasil
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Publisher Initials: UFMG
metadata.dc.publisher.department: FAO - DEPARTAMENTO DE CLÍNICA
Rights: Acesso Restrito
Issue Date: 2018
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology
Appears in Collections:Artigo de Periódico

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