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Type: Dissertação de Mestrado
Title: The present of the past: representation of war, testimony and ideology in 20th and21st century war orphan narratives
Authors: Jose Otaviano da Mata Machado Silva
First Advisor: Thomas La Borie Burns
First Referee: Graciela Ines Ravetti de Gomez
Abstract: Os estudos de literatura de guerra tiveram um desenvolvimento razoavelmente recente, com a maior parte das contribuicoes ao campo sendo publicadas depois dos anos 1990. Em parte devido a esse desenvolvimento recente, esses estudos se concentraram centralmente, ate hoje, nas narrativas escritas por e sobre veteranos de guerra e suas experiencias. Esta dissertacao busca investigar outro tipo de literatura de guerra, que foi ate agora posto de lado por estudiosos: as narrativas de orfaos de guerra. O objetivo dessa pesquisa e evidenciar que asnarrativas criadas por e sobre orfaos de guerra consistem em uma categoria ou subcategoria especifica dentro do campo mais amplo das narrativas de guerra, e apresentam caracteristicas distintas. Para apresentar evidencias para essa afirmacao, essa dissertacao analisa o corpus levando em consideracao tres horizontes de leitura: o estetico, o psicologico e o ideologico. Para essa investigacao, a pesquisa parte dos atuais estudos sobre literatura de guerra, as investigacoes sobre as literaturas de testemunho e a teoria marxista de ideologia para ofereceruma exposicao ampla dos elementos distintivos das literaturas de orfaos de guerra. O corpus primario da dissertacao contempla tres grandes conflitos dos seculos XX e XXI (Segunda Guerra Mundial, Guerra do Vietna e Guerra do Iraque) e dois tipos diferentes de orfaos de guerra: orfaos que viveram em zonas de conflito (orfaos do front de batalha) e orfaos cujos pais foram mortos em combate em solo estrangeiro (orfaos do front domestico). A partir desses criterios, as obras selecionadas para o corpus primario foram a autobiografia deEvelyne Tannehill, Abandoned and Forgotten: An Orphan Girl's Tale of Survival During World War II; a coletanea de memorias de Susan Hadler e Ann Mix, Lost in the Victory: Reflections of American War Orphans of World War II; o romance de Bobbie Ann Mason, In Country; o relato de Andrea Warren, Escape from Saigon: How a Vietnam War OrphanBecame an American Boy; o conto de Benjamin Percy, Refresh, Refresh; e a coletanea de entrevistas de Deborah Ellis, Children of War.
Abstract: The studies of war literature have a fairly recent development, with most of the contributions in the field being published after the 1990s. Partly due to this recent development, these studies have so far focused centrally on the narratives written by and about war veterans and their experiences. This thesis seeks to investigate another kind of war literature, which hasbeen so far overlooked by scholars: the war orphan narratives. It is the goal of this research to demonstrate that the narratives created by and about war orphans consist of a specific category or sub-category within war narratives in general, and that they display distinct characteristics. In order to provide evidence for this claim, this thesis analyzes the corpusconsidering three horizons of reading: the aesthetic, the psychological, and the ideological. For this investigation, the research relies on current studies of war literature, the investigations of testimonial literatures, and the Marxist theory of ideology to offer a broad exposition of the distinctive elements of war orphan literature. The primary corpus of the thesis contemplates three major 20th and 21st century conflicts (the Second World War, the Vietnam War and the Iraq War) and two different kinds of war orphans: those who lived in war zones (battlefront orphans), and those whose fathers were killed in combat abroad (homefront orphans). With these criteria in mind, the works included in the primary corpuswere Evelyne Tannehill's auto-biography Abandoned and Forgotten: An Orphan Girl's Tale of Survival During World War II; Susan Hadler's and Ann Mix's collection of memoirs Lost in the Victory: Reflections of American War Orphans of World War II; Bobbie Ann Mason's novel In Country; Andrea Warren's account Escape from Saigon: How a Vietnam War Orphan Became an American Boy; Benjamin Percy's short story Refresh, Refresh; and Deborah Ellis's collection of interviews Children of War.
Subject: Tannehill, Evelyne Abandoned and forgotten Crítica e interpretação
Warren, Andrea Escape from Saigon Crítica e interpretação
Percy, Benjamin Refresh, refresh Crítica e interpretação
História na literatura
Mason, Bobbie Ann In country Crítica e interpretação
Iraque, Guerra do, 2003 Literatura e a guerra
Vietnã, Guerra do , 1961-1975 Literatura e a guerra
Ellis, Deborah , 1960 Children of war Crítica e interpretação
Hadler, Susan Johnson , 1945 Lost in the victory Crítica e interpretação
Mix, Ann Bennett , 1940 Lost in the victory Crítica e interpretação
Guerra mundial , 1939-1945 Literatura e a guerra
Literatura e sociedade
language: Português
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Publisher Initials: UFMG
Rights: Acesso Aberto
Issue Date: 11-Mar-2016
Appears in Collections:Dissertações de Mestrado

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